Monday, June 27, 2011

Isaquah / Tiger Mtn Week 5

hey everyone!

this last week has been fantstic! its been insane but good. probably one of the most stressfull weeks of my life and after this week i dont expect to come home with any hair! but it was great!

well we found two new investigators this week who are awesome we havent found any new in a while so its great to actually find people! we also had the baptism of laly, lorenzo, and jj saturday! it was such a good service, they really are a special family. e. aiken baptized them all and i confirmed them all on sunday which was such a neat excerience. the ward was pretty excited because its not very often you confirm that many people in one sacrament. getting their baptism service ready though was insane e aiken and i had a giant pannic attack! we had the building reserved for 1pm and we got there to start filling the faunt and there was a giant ward that had the whole building and were having a huge temple day and bbq! they had classes in everyroom and we were scared that we werent going to be able to have the service! but we started filling the faunt anyway and just started praying. but by 12 30 they were out of the room so it worked out great! it was scary but good. it was such a great service there the spirit was so strong and we had a great turn out from the ward. our stake president and president larkin even came it was a good day.

we had a great talk with our stake president on saturday too. last month our ward did a 40 day fast for missionary work. he came and talked to us about that. he told us some things that i didnt realize that i thought were awesome and really show the power of fasting. but pres johnson had a goal for every ward to baptise 6 people this year. and with in those 40 days of fasting our ward accomplished our goal of 6 baptism! it really shows the effects of a sincere fast. it has been a good last month because of it we have seen so much sucess! i just thought that was really neat.

well i hope everything is going great there and you have a great week!

love you
elder berry

Monday, June 20, 2011

Issaquah 1st / Tiger Mtn Week 4

hey everyone!!!

just thought you might like to know that its supposed to be in the 70's all week and might actually hit 80 degrees!! i think summer is finally starting to come!!!
this week has been good, kind of slow but good. church was only 5 hours yesterday instead of 7 so that is always great too! but this saturday will be laly, lorenzo, and jjs baptism! we are so excited for them but we are also still really nervous. laly was out of town this weekend to her families house and that is always really scarry becasue that is some of the biggest opposition. but she is still good so we are excited. but her boys are at their dads house all week so we are still worried about them but we think everything will be alright. all we can do is pray!

we had a pretty good fathers day here. we went to a family in the tiger mountain ward and it was amazing they had a ton of family over and the best food ever! it was fun though.

this next week should be really good though. we just have alot of finding to do and there is alot of potential for this next week from our efforts this week so it will be great!

i hope you all have a great week!

love you
elder berry

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Issaquah 1st / Tiger Mtn Week 3

hey everyone!

this last week has been awesome! we had alot going on. covering two wards is as crazy as ever. we spent from 9 am to 4 pm in meetings and church on sunday! it gets pretty crazy because we have to split up to go to all the meetings that we need to go to . this sunday elder aiken was in one sacrament meeting with investigators while i was in tiger mtn ward council and then i went to another sacrament for a bit with our other investigator while elder aiken was taking pelple to class. it was crazy!

we are still teaching laly lorenzo and jj. this last week lorenzo went to the hospital with extreme adominal pain. they found a lump on his testicle and they didnt know what it was. i was really scared because everyone thought it was cancer so we went over that night and offered to give him a blessing. they accepted our offer so we gave him a blessing. the spirit was so strong in that room, the next day we went over to teach the them and lorenzo was running around and didnt feel anything at all. and the doctor also said it wasnt anything either but they are just going to watch it to be safe. it was so great to see the power of the priesthood work to heal this little boy. i know that we were placed in his life at this time to help them through this because now they have a super solid testimony of the preisthood and of the gospel! they are now ondate for june 25th ( we had to move it back because they are going to their dads this week for fathers day). but everything is great with them.

also this last friday steve and stevie downs were baptzed down in the benson hill ward!! me and elder bonnett started teaching them and now they got baptised this last week. i was so excited for them and their decision. steve the father used to be a methodist preacher so he has come along way and stevie his son is a good basketball player and now he wants to go play for byu and marry a mormon girl!! they are awesome.

this last week i invested in some hair clippers and made the decision to cut my own hair... then i gathered up all the guts i could and cut my hair ( which was really scary) but it actually turned our great!! ( see before and after pictures) also this last week for service we helped one of our investigators debone a pork but, which is basicly one sixth of a pig! it was so much fun cause we had to cit the leg off the pig then take all the bones out of the shoulder and everything. it hought e aiken was going to puke at one point. it was awesome though.

well i think thats about it for this last week. i hope all is well there and you guys have fun where ever you may be at this week.

love you
elder berry